Our concept

Health is our most treasured possession

A simple sentence that people often only appreciate when one or more symptoms of illness begin to affect their daily lives, either temporarily or permanently. It is often only then that people realise that health is more than just the absence of disease (WHO Ottawa Charter 1986). Rapid technological developments in recent decades, including in research, medicine and medical technology, have made the full range of medical treatment to which we are now accustomed possible.


There has, however, also been an increase – not just “perceived”, but statistically measurable – in cancers, cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune syndromes, which are now a long-term problem for many people.

Lifestyle, environmental factors, infections and genes are factors that affect the recovery process, but are not always sufficient as the only explanation. The effectiveness therapeutic concepts is dependent on many factors. Every organism, whether human, animal or plant, is a complex unit in which vital functions are continuously being coordinated with each other.


On top of this, we are all individuals, meaning therapies may not work the same way for everyone. When treatment concepts reach their limits, this can often be a reason for patients and doctors to look for alternatives.

Vitasangius Therapie Konzept erklärt

Blood purification processes are proven to contribute to the healing process and health retention.

“Blood purification” or “purges” are often used to support therapy. What do these measures mean for your health? Even in ancient times, people knew that the targeted use of herbs, teas and bath preparations could have a healing and health-promoting effect. Animals also have instincts that lead them, for example, to consume particular herbs in order to keep their stomach, bowel or metabolism “on point”.


The modern, extracorporeal blood purification processes used at VitaSangius Therapy are proven to contribute to improving the metabolism, the immune system, organ functions and thus the quality of life.


stands for an innovative concept in medical practice, involving the targeted use by experienced doctors and a specially trained perfusion team of extracorporeal blood purification processes such as haemoperfusion, apheresis or therapies such as EECP. We support you on your road towards improving or regaining your health and quality of life. You can find detailed information on the individual forms of treatment on this website.

What inspired us to set up this concept at our practice is our extensive and long-term experience with these therapeutic options and what they can achieve for patients. The prerequisites are specific diagnostics and clear indication.

Opening times

Monday – Friday

by appointment





Available from 8 a.m. to 12 midday by telephone or email


If you want more detailed information, please get in touch with us to arrange an appointment. We always give our fullest attention to promoting and maintaining your health.


If you wish, we can also advise you on topics such as healthy eating, lifestyles and dietary supplements to accompany your therapy.