
Vitasangius Doktor Beratung


The modern, extracorporeal blood purification processes used at VitaSangius Therapy are proven to contribute to improving the metabolism, the immune system, organ functions and thus the quality of life. They are an effective instrument on the path to convalescence and recovery.


Blood purification processes are used for therapeutic purposes. In so-called “purges”, elimination takes place via the liver and kidneys, which can lead to a temporary or long-term burden on these organ systems. Extracorporeal blood purification offers the advantage of blood purification combined with additional relief to the detoxifying organs, the liver and kidneys.

Haemoperfusion is an extracorporeal blood purification process in which highly biocompatible plastics are used which, because of their physical/chemical properties, are able to bind various different substances. This process is called adsorption. We use adsorbent materials with specific or broad adsorption spectra. At high concentrations, large quantities of these substances can be removed very quickly. At lower concentrations, the elimination rate decreases. This concentration-dependant autoregulation should counteract the complete removal of physiological substances.


In contrast to apheresis, in haemoperfusion, components of the blood and plasma are not previously separated in a plasma separator. For this reason, this treatment is also considered a whole-blood treatment and volume-neutral.

Vitasangius - Hämoperfusion

Die Entwicklung der Vollblutadsorber begann in den 1980igern. Mittlerweile werden sie weltweit in Kliniken u.a. auf Intensivstationen eingesetzt, um schwere Krankheitsverläufe wie z.B. Sepsis therapeutisch zu begleiten Dieses relativ neue Blutreinigungsverfahren ist einfach, risikoarm und effektiv.

In VitaSangius Therapy, VitaSangius offers this highly professional procedure as an outpatient treatment.


  • Whole-blood procedure
  • Volume-neutral
  • Specific elimination
  • Broad, effective adsorption spectrum with concentration-dependent elimination.

Haemoperfusion can also be combined with hyperthermia (heating) and hyperoxygenisation (increased oxygen content).

Hyperthermia (controlled blood hyperthermia)
Blood hyperthermia focuses on the precise regulation of blood temperature. Careful warming of the blood creates a continuous increase in temperature from inside to outside and is usually well tolerated. Many patients tolerate this form of hyperthermia better than extreme whole-body hyperthermia.

A heat exchanger is integrated in the extracorporeal system and connected to a heating device. This heating device is set individually, so that the blood temperature can be accurately controlled and regulated. The vessels dilate, microcirculation is stimulated, and the entire tissue experiences better circulation. Hyperthermia has a positive influence on the immune system.
Hyperoxygenisation (increasing the oxygen content)
The additional provision of oxygen by an oxygenisation unit increases the proportion of physically dissolved oxygen in the blood.

This makes oxygen transfer to the tissue easier and increases the amount of oxygen available to the cells. The effect is vasodilative and anti-inflammatory.

The flow properties (viscosity) of the blood and the microcirculation improve. Like hyperthermia, hyperoxygenisation has a positive effect on the immune system.

Hyperoxygenisation (increasing the oxygen content)
The additional provision of oxygen by an oxygenisation unit increases the proportion of physically dissolved oxygen in the blood.

This makes oxygen transfer to the tissue easier and increases the amount of oxygen available to the cells. The effect is vasodilative and anti-inflammatory.

The flow properties (viscosity) of the blood and the microcirculation improve. Like hyperthermia, hyperoxygenisation has a positive effect on the immune system.

Indications for haemoperfusion:

  • Cancers
  • Support for standard procedures which have accompanying side-effects
  • Removal of toxic substances
  • Reduction of hyperinflammation
  • Balancing out the immune system (immunomodulation)
  • Improving organ functions
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Chronic inflammatory conditions e.g. Lyme disease, rheumatism, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis etc.
Individual treatment
VitaSangius does not just offer extracorporeal blood purification. With targeted diagnostics and the resulting indication, you will receive your individual treatment within the framework of our range of therapies.

Individual treatment
VitaSangius does not just offer extracorporeal blood purification. With targeted diagnostics and the resulting indication, you will receive your individual treatment within the framework of our range of therapies.
Low-risk and effective
Extracorporeal blood purification processes are technically more laborious but minimally invasive; with our modern capabilities, they can be used simply, effectively and with low risk. They protect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Purges and extracorporeal blood purification processes can also, where indication is given, be combined with each other.

Opening times

Monday – Friday

by appointment





Available from 8 a.m. to 12 midday by telephone or email


If you want more detailed information, please get in touch with us to arrange an appointment. We always give our fullest attention to promoting and maintaining your health.


If you wish, we can also advise you on topics such as healthy eating, lifestyles and dietary supplements to accompany your therapy.