
Plasmapheresis: Blood purification by removing harmful substances from the serum.

Modern extracorporeal blood purification methods in VitaSangius therapy have been proven to improve metabolism, the immune system, organ functions, and thus quality of life. They are an effective tool on the path to regeneration and recovery.

Blood purification procedures are used for therapeutic purposes. In the so-called ‘excretions,’ elimination occurs through the liver and kidneys, which can lead to temporary or permanent strain on the organ systems. Extracorporeal blood purification offers the advantage of blood cleansing combined with additional relief for the detoxification organs, liver and kidneys.

The word apheresis originates from Greek and means ‘to separate’ or ‘to take away.’ The term apheresis encompasses various plasma treatment procedures. In the first step, solid components (blood cells) are separated from the plasma. The obtained plasma is then passed through specific filters/adsorbers to remove unwanted substances.

Plasmapheresis is one of the modern extracorporeal blood purification methods

Beratung aus erster Hand - in unserem Hämoperfusionszentrum VitaSangius.

Plasmapheresis is an effective and established treatment method, for example, for severe lipid metabolism disorders and certain immunological conditions in rheumatology and neurology.

A distinction is made between cascade filtration and immunoadsorption.


Double Filtration Plasmapheresis: Double filtration plasmapheresis is a type of cascade filtration. It is not a whole blood procedure and is not volume-neutral. This blood purification method is used for lipid metabolism disorders, toxins, inflammatory processes, and the removal of excess immunoglobulins (autoantibodies).

DFPP is one of the modern plasmapheresis therapies. This procedure can remove lipoproteins, triglycerides, fibrinogen, inflammatory substances, and autoantibodies.

Indications for therapeutic plasmapheresis:

  • Cancer
  • Severe lipid metabolism disorders
  • Poisoning/environmental toxins
  • Neurological conditions, e.g., Refsum syndrome
  • Pemphigus disorders (autoimmune skin diseases)
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Fatigue syndrome
  • Liver dysfunction
Cascade filtration

In cascade filtration (e.g., double filtration plasmapheresis = DFPP), the blood plasma is separated from the blood cells in the first step. The obtained plasma is then passed through a second filter.

The specific pore size and the so-called convection pressure ensure that only certain substances are filtered out while important substances for the body (e.g., albumin) are retained. This results in an 'eluate,' comparable to the 'filtrate' in dialysis. The purified plasma is then returned to the bloodstream. Cascade filtration is not a whole blood procedure, as only the serum is purified, and it is also not volume-neutral, as the extracted fluid must be replaced in the body (with infusion solutions).


In immunoadsorption, blood plasma is also separated from the blood cells in the first step. The obtained plasma is then passed through an immunoadsorber.

In this adsorber, antibodies and/or immune complexes are bound through immunological or physicochemical adsorption. The purified plasma is then returned to the bloodstream.

Immunoadsorption is not a whole blood procedure, but it is volume-neutral.


In immunoadsorption, blood plasma is also separated from the blood cells in the first step. The obtained plasma is then passed through an immunoadsorber.

In this adsorber, antibodies and/or immune complexes are bound through immunological or physicochemical adsorption. The purified plasma is then returned to the bloodstream.

Immunoadsorption is not a whole blood procedure, but it is volume-neutral.

Plasmapheresis costs

Information regarding your therapy inquiries, whether by phone or email, is provided free of charge.

Our consultations in the practice and the therapies are private medical services. The associated costs are in accordance with fees schedule for physicians (GOÄ), if applicable. This also includes the treatment using the plasmapheresis method. This cost plan the individual items are listed transparently and clearly, making it understandable for you and potentially serving as a template for the health insurance company, demonstrating the medical necessity.

Before the therapies discussed in the initial consultation are carried out, we will finalize a treatment contract and a binding fee agreement with you.

We would like to point out that even if the GOÄ codes are correctly listed on cost estimates or invoices for health insurance companies, insurers, or supplementary welfare offices, this does not guarantee that costs will be covered in every case or for every service.

Regardless of whether there is full or partial reimbursement by health insurance companies, insurers, or supplementary welfare offices, the incurred treatment costs must be paid.

What Our Patients Say


Since we perform various blood purification procedures, a precise diagnosis/diagnostic assessment is essential to determine the most suitable procedure for you.

Plasmapheresis is an extracorporeal, minimally invasive procedure. While these therapies are effective, they can also be tiring, so it is advisable to have an accompanying person present.

As anesthesia is not required for plasmapheresis, fasting is not necessary. You can eat as usual and ensure adequate fluid intake.

As it is a minimally invasive procedure, apheresis requires puncture with cannulas. This puncture may cause a brief minimal discomfort, which can be minimized with local anesthesia and/or intravenous pain management. The apheresis procedures are generally pain-free.

On the day of the plasmapheresis and for the next three days, physical exertion should be largely avoided, and adequate fluid intake should be ensured.

The treatment duration is usually 2 to 3 hours.

The day after plasmapheresis, follow-up treatment is usually not required. Wound inspection of the puncture site is only necessary if a Sheldon catheter was used for the apheresis. Afterward, no further treatments related to the minimally invasive procedure are typically needed.

Depending on the diagnosis, indications, and procedure, between 1 and 3 apheresis sessions are required.

Opening times

Monday – Friday

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM





Available from 8 a.m. to 12 midday by telephone or email


If you would like more detailed information, please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment. Promoting and maintaining your health always has our full attention.

Upon request, we are also happy to advise you on topics such as healthy nutrition, lifestyle, and complementary dietary supplements.