Long Covid-Therapy
Long Covid
When the first information came to us from China in December 2019 that a new SARS-CoV-2 virus had broken out in the city of Wuhan, the rest of the world did not expect the subsequent consequences.
That changed quickly when the first infections were registered in other countries around the world in early January 2021. In an unexpected wave, not only the number of infections increased, but also the number of manifest cases of the disease and severe courses that required intensive care treatment in hospitals.
COVID 19 is more than just a severe flu.
COVID 19 has now become an integral part of our everyday lives and affects us in many ways, including and especially our health.
Viral diseases with subsequent so-called post-viral syndrome were already known before COVID, but were perceived as an exception. Post-viral syndrome is when symptoms such as tiredness and exhaustion, up to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or other permanent physical impairments, persist approximately four to eight weeks after the actual infection and complete recovery does not occur.
Compared to other viral diseases, the long-term prognosis after a COVID 19 infection is difficult to estimate and does not depend on whether the disease is asymptomatic, mild or severe.
According to official estimates, around one in ten patients is affected by this long-term syndrome. There are no exact figures yet, but the trend seems to be increasing. In addition, many patients who tell us that these symptoms occurred after a vaccination do not know exactly whether or not they had a COVID infection beforehand. In the case of an asymptomatic course without test evidence, this is not always clear.
Even if you develop a so-called post-viral syndrome after a vaccination, this is not necessarily due to the vaccination.
About plasmapheresis in the ARD
New examination and treatment methods from VitaSangius GmbH for Long Covid patients give hope to many patients, politicians, scientists and doctors.
The team from Brisant, the ARD tabloid magazine, regularly reports on current developments and events.
Are you affected by Long Covid?
Please feel free to contact us for information about possible therapy.
A post-viral syndrome with and without vaccination is possible
Longer recovery times are observed, especially in infections involving the lungs. Current studies suggest that this may occur more frequently in the future due to SARS-CoV-2.
Corona viruses are considered multi-organ viruses that can affect not only the lungs but also other organ systems such as the kidneys, heart, vascular system, liver or brain.
Common symptoms
- Tiredness, exhaustion, lack of energy
- Pains
- Fever
- shortness of breath
- Gentle breathing
- Tickling/coughing
- Pain when breathing
Cardiovascular system
- Heart palpitations, racing heart
- Chest pain
- Chest tightness
- Vascular inflammation
- Decreased appetite, loss of appetite
- nausea
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
Muscles and joints
- Muscle aches
- Joint pain
- tinnitus
- Earache
- Sore throat/inflammation
- Dizziness
- Loss/change in sense of taste and smell
- Skin rashes
- Headaches
- sleep disorders
- Memory problems/loss of concentration
- Disturbances of well-being
- Numbness
- dizziness
- Confusion (more common in older people)
- depressions
- Anxiety
Covid symptoms
Since we receive calls from patients daily about their Long Covid symptoms, we can confirm that all of the symptoms listed are mentioned. Vaccinations can protect against infection, but not against post-viral Long Covid. Pharmacological therapies are either in development or in clinical trials.
Post-viral symptoms have one or more causes, which in most cases can be determined diagnostically. Normal routine laboratory tests are not always sufficient for this. That is why we work with specialist laboratories to make the determination of the cause more specific.
VitaSangius is a practice model that specializes in blood purification procedures and offers various plasmapheresis and hemoperfusion procedures.
(Information on this website).
Experience from acute therapy, mostly in intensive care units, has shown that blood purification procedures can usefully support pharmacological therapies.
An acute situation and a chronic course are often different therapeutically. However, we know from experience that the symptoms mentioned in this article also occur in other underlying diseases and in many cases can be alleviated by specific diagnostics with the indication and selection of the appropriate blood purification procedure.
Since the causes of the respective symptoms can vary, we attach importance to specific diagnostics in order to be able to offer you either an individually adapted blood purification procedure or an individual therapy.
If you have any questions about the methods described on this website, please feel free to contact us in advance by email or telephone.
If you are interested in treatment, please contact us by email to arrange a consultation. Once the appointment has been made, we will send you a medical history form, which you should return to us with any available findings before the initial consultation.
We calculate that this appointment will take about one hour of consultation time and costs 120 euros. If you are unable to keep the agreed appointment, please cancel it as soon as possible so that we have the opportunity to give the appointment to someone else.
During the consultation, we will discuss the preliminary findings and the extent of any specific diagnostics that may be necessary. If you agree, blood can then be taken. We will provide you with detailed information about the blood purification procedures and other treatment options. Once the findings are in, we will contact you by email to arrange a treatment appointment.
We will provide you with detailed information about the blood purification procedures and other treatment options. Once the results are available, we will contact you by email to arrange a treatment appointment.
Are you affected by Long Covid?
Please feel free to contact us for information about possible therapy.
What Our Patients Say
Daniela BinderMein Sohn ist schwer an ME/CFS erkrankt und wir waren aufgrund von ewigen Odysseen durch diverse Facharztpraxen und Krankenhäuser auf der Suche nach einer alternativen Therapie. Durch Empfehlung sind wir auf Vitasangius gekommen. Wir wurden vom ersten Moment mit unserer Problematik wahrgenommen. Dr . Kühnel der Herz und Gefäßchirurg an der Herzklinik Bernau ist, verfügt über totale Fachkompetenz. Sein Team hat meinen Sohn und auch uns als Begleitpersonen sehr einfühlsam betreut. Jede Frage wurde beantwortet. Mein Sohn hatte am Tag nach der Plasmaapherese eine wesentlich bessere Mikrozirkulation. Wir sind stetig in Kontakt mit dem Team. Es wurden uns keine zu hochgeschraubten Versprechen gemacht . Wir werden definitiv noch eine Behandlung durchführen lasse . Die hohen Kosten sind völlig nachvollziehbar. Ich empfehle die Praxis in Potsdam absolut weiter. Danke an die lieben Schwestern und Dr. Kühnel .JojoMein Freund hatte über euch den Bericht in Brisant im ARD Morgenmagazin gesehen und mir gesagt, ich solle mir das mal anschauen. Darüber bin ich heute sehr froh, da ich ziemlich verzweifelt war. Schon nach einer Behandlung habe ich mich soo viel besser gefühlt. Jederzeit gerne wieder.Yasmina OualiZunächst war ich sehr skeptisch. Eigentlich kam ich nach all meinen Arzbesuchen zu dem Schluss, dass mir nichts mehr helfen kann. Einen letzten Versuch wollte ich machen.. nach der ersten Behandlung habe ich eine leichte Besserung bemerkt. Dann habe ich mich zu einer zweiten Behandlung entschieden und ich muss sagen, ich fühle mich wieder deutlich agiler. Der Alltag fällt mir leichter und ich bin sehr froh, dass ich diesen Schritt gegangen bin.GötzNach zwei nicht so dollen Erfahrungen, war das die erste Praxis, in der man wirklich auf mich eingegangen ist. Und die Beschwerden von meinem Fatigue-Syndrom sind auch viel weniger. Ich werde auf alle Fälle noch mal einen Termin machen. Volle Empfehlung.Yvonne EngeDas Praxis Team ist einfach super freundlich und die Betreuung war sehr liebevoll. Man fühlt sich wohl und wird ernst genommen.O. H.Ich hatte letztens eine Behandlung und kann nur Gutes sagen.Die Betreuung vom Team war super,die Praxis ist sehr modern und sauber.Ich hatte keine Wartezeit und alle Fragen wurden mir beantwortet Vielen Dank !!!Malena MSuper, fühl mich viel besser jetzt.j pDanke für den angenehmen Aufenthalt bei Ihnen der Praxis. Die Behandlung verlief sehr gut. Ich kann die VitaSangius empfehlen.Christina M.Die Apherese hat mir super geholfen - es war meine erste und ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich mich so viel besser fühle (leide ziemlich unter Long Covid). Die Praxis ist irgendwie mal ganz anders und modern, das Praxisteam sehr kompetent und lieb. Ich habe mich total wohl gefühlt, hatte den Eindruck, man kümmert sich v.a. um mich, keine Wartezeiten, leise Musik, Getränke und Snacks. 1000 Dank, dass ich wieder mehr Lebensqualität habe. Ich werde sicher bald wiederkommen.Jasmin KillischIch hatte vor ca. 1 Monat meine 3. Apharese und mir geht es seit 2 Wochen deutlich besser. Sehr gute Betreuung und kompetente Behandlung. Ich wurde das 1. Mal ernst genommen und mir konnte geholfen werden. Vielen Dank an das ganze Team, besonders Herrn J. Jäger und Dr. Kühnel, die sich trotz meiner Angst vorher, sehr lieb um mich gekümmert haben.
Opening times
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Available from 8 a.m. to 12 midday by telephone or email
If you would like more detailed information, please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment. Promoting and maintaining your health always has our full attention.
Upon request, we are also happy to advise you on topics such as healthy nutrition, lifestyle, and complementary dietary supplements.