Hemoperfusion: Blood purification through adsorption/binding of harmful substances
Modern extracorporeal blood purification methods, such as those used in VitaSangius therapy (like hemoperfusion), have been proven to improve metabolism, the immune system, and organ functions. Organ functions, and thus improve quality of life. They are an effective tool on the path to regeneration and recovery.
Blood purification procedures have a long tradition. So-called “detoxifications” are well-known therapies that have proven effective. The disadvantage is that the elimination of harmful substances must be carried out by the liver and kidneys, which leads to a temporary strain on these organs.
Die extrakorporale Blutreinigung bietet den Vorteil der Blutreinigung, die Leber und Nieren entlastet. Ausleitungsverfahren und extrakorporale Blutreinigungsverfahren können kombiniert werden und so gemeinsam den „Reinigungsprozess“ optimieren.
The development of modern hemoperfusion therapies began in the 1980s. There is extensive data and clinical experience supporting their effectiveness. Whole blood procedures (blood-sparing), volume-neutral methods, and higher flow rates enable a safe and effective process. The average treatment duration is 4 hours. During this time, depending on the flow rate and the patient’s weight, 72-120 liters of blood can be purified (approximately 16-27 times the total blood volume). ).
Je nach Diagnose und Indikation: 2-4 Behandlungen.
Keine relevante Entfernung von Immunglobulinen und Lipiden.
Hemoperfusion is an extracorporeal blood purification procedure that uses highly biocompatible plastics, which, due to their physicochemical properties, are capable of binding various substances. This process is called adsorption or hemoadsorption. We use adsorbers that have a specific or a nonspecific, broad adsorption spectrum.
The adsorber with the broader adsorption spectrum operates in a concentration-dependent manner. This means that at high concentrations, larger quantities of cytokines, chemokines, toxins, and breakdown products, etc., can be removed very quickly. Higher flow rates support the effectiveness of this treatment.
As the concentration decreases, the elimination rate also decreases. This concentration-dependent autoregulation is intended to prevent the complete removal of physiological substances.
Adsorption spectrum:
In contrast to plasmapheresis, hemoperfusion does not separate blood components and plasma using a plasma separator. Therefore, this treatment is also referred to as a whole blood procedure and is volume-neutral. It differentiates between specific adsorption, non-specific adsorption, and cytapheresis.
The development of whole blood adsorbers began in the 1980s. They are now used worldwide in clinics, including in intensive care units, to therapeutically manage severe disease courses such as sepsis. This relatively new blood purification method is simple, low-risk, and effective.
Benefits of Hemoperfusion:
• Whole blood procedure
• Volume-neutral
• Size-selective removal of hydrophobic substances
• Broad, effective adsorption spectrum with concentration-dependent elimination (hemoadsorption)
• Specific adsorption of LPS (lipopolysaccharide)
• Cytapheresis: adsorption of activated, excessive blood cells that can cause colonic inflammations, such as ulcerative colitis
Additionally, hemoperfusion can be combined with hyperthermia (heat) and hyperoxygenation (increased oxygen supply).
(controlled blood hyperthermia)
Blood hyperthermia focuses on the precise control of blood temperature. The gentle warming of the blood ensures a continuous heating from the inside out and is generally well tolerated. Many patients often tolerate this form of hyperthermia better than extreme whole-body hyperthermia.
A heat exchanger is integrated into the extracorporeal system and connected to a heating device. This heating device can be individually adjusted to precisely and controllably regulate the blood temperature. The vessels dilate, microcirculation is stimulated, and thus better tissue perfusion is achieved. Hyperthermia has a positive impact on the immune system.
The additional supply of oxygen through an oxygenation unit increases the physically dissolved oxygen content in the blood.
This facilitates the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and increases the oxygen supply for the cells. The effects include, among others, vasodilation and anti-inflammatory properties.
The flow properties (viscosity) of the blood and microcirculation improve. Hyperoxygenation, like hyperthermia, has a positive effect on the immune system.
The additional supply of oxygen through an oxygenation unit increases the physically dissolved oxygen content in the blood.
This facilitates the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and increases the oxygen supply for the cells. The effects include, among others, vasodilation and anti-inflammatory properties.
The flow properties (viscosity) of the blood and microcirculation improve. Hyperoxygenation, like hyperthermia, has a positive effect on the immune system.
Hemoperfusion indications:
- Cancer
- Support for standard procedures that are accompanied by side effects
- Removal of toxic substances
- Reduction of hyperinflammation
- Balancing of the immune system (immunomodulation)
- Improvement of organ function
- Liver dysfunction
- Chronic fatigue Syndrom
- Chronic inflammatory diseases such as Lyme disease, rheumatism, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and others.
Additionally, hemoperfusion can be combined with controlled blood hyperthermia (heat therapy) and hyperoxygenation (increased oxygen supply).
VitaSangius offers more than just extracorporeal blood purification. With targeted diagnostics and the resulting indication, you will receive your individualized treatment as part of our therapy offerings.
VitaSangius offers more than just extracorporeal blood purification. With targeted diagnostics and the resulting indication, you will receive your personalized treatment as part of our therapy offerings.
Extracorporeal blood purification methods are technically more complex but minimally invasive and, with today’s advancements, are easy to use, low-risk, and effective. They are gentle on liver and kidney function.
Detoxification procedures and extracorporeal blood purification methods can, when indicated, be combined with each other.
What Our Patients Say
Daniela BinderMein Sohn ist schwer an ME/CFS erkrankt und wir waren aufgrund von ewigen Odysseen durch diverse Facharztpraxen und Krankenhäuser auf der Suche nach einer alternativen Therapie. Durch Empfehlung sind wir auf Vitasangius gekommen. Wir wurden vom ersten Moment mit unserer Problematik wahrgenommen. Dr . Kühnel der Herz und Gefäßchirurg an der Herzklinik Bernau ist, verfügt über totale Fachkompetenz. Sein Team hat meinen Sohn und auch uns als Begleitpersonen sehr einfühlsam betreut. Jede Frage wurde beantwortet. Mein Sohn hatte am Tag nach der Plasmaapherese eine wesentlich bessere Mikrozirkulation. Wir sind stetig in Kontakt mit dem Team. Es wurden uns keine zu hochgeschraubten Versprechen gemacht . Wir werden definitiv noch eine Behandlung durchführen lasse . Die hohen Kosten sind völlig nachvollziehbar. Ich empfehle die Praxis in Potsdam absolut weiter. Danke an die lieben Schwestern und Dr. Kühnel .JojoMein Freund hatte über euch den Bericht in Brisant im ARD Morgenmagazin gesehen und mir gesagt, ich solle mir das mal anschauen. Darüber bin ich heute sehr froh, da ich ziemlich verzweifelt war. Schon nach einer Behandlung habe ich mich soo viel besser gefühlt. Jederzeit gerne wieder.Yasmina OualiZunächst war ich sehr skeptisch. Eigentlich kam ich nach all meinen Arzbesuchen zu dem Schluss, dass mir nichts mehr helfen kann. Einen letzten Versuch wollte ich machen.. nach der ersten Behandlung habe ich eine leichte Besserung bemerkt. Dann habe ich mich zu einer zweiten Behandlung entschieden und ich muss sagen, ich fühle mich wieder deutlich agiler. Der Alltag fällt mir leichter und ich bin sehr froh, dass ich diesen Schritt gegangen bin.GötzNach zwei nicht so dollen Erfahrungen, war das die erste Praxis, in der man wirklich auf mich eingegangen ist. Und die Beschwerden von meinem Fatigue-Syndrom sind auch viel weniger. Ich werde auf alle Fälle noch mal einen Termin machen. Volle Empfehlung.Yvonne EngeDas Praxis Team ist einfach super freundlich und die Betreuung war sehr liebevoll. Man fühlt sich wohl und wird ernst genommen.O. H.Ich hatte letztens eine Behandlung und kann nur Gutes sagen.Die Betreuung vom Team war super,die Praxis ist sehr modern und sauber.Ich hatte keine Wartezeit und alle Fragen wurden mir beantwortet Vielen Dank !!!Malena MSuper, fühl mich viel besser jetzt.j pDanke für den angenehmen Aufenthalt bei Ihnen der Praxis. Die Behandlung verlief sehr gut. Ich kann die VitaSangius empfehlen.Christina M.Die Apherese hat mir super geholfen - es war meine erste und ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich mich so viel besser fühle (leide ziemlich unter Long Covid). Die Praxis ist irgendwie mal ganz anders und modern, das Praxisteam sehr kompetent und lieb. Ich habe mich total wohl gefühlt, hatte den Eindruck, man kümmert sich v.a. um mich, keine Wartezeiten, leise Musik, Getränke und Snacks. 1000 Dank, dass ich wieder mehr Lebensqualität habe. Ich werde sicher bald wiederkommen.Jasmin KillischIch hatte vor ca. 1 Monat meine 3. Apharese und mir geht es seit 2 Wochen deutlich besser. Sehr gute Betreuung und kompetente Behandlung. Ich wurde das 1. Mal ernst genommen und mir konnte geholfen werden. Vielen Dank an das ganze Team, besonders Herrn J. Jäger und Dr. Kühnel, die sich trotz meiner Angst vorher, sehr lieb um mich gekümmert haben.
As we perform various blood purification methods, an accurate diagnosis/diagnostic is essential to determine the appropriate procedure for you.
Hemoperfusion is an extracorporeal, minimally invasive procedure. These therapies are effective but can also be tiring, so it is recommended to have an accompanying person present.
Since hemoperfusion does not require anesthesia, you do not need to fast. You can eat as usual and should ensure adequate hydration.
As a minimally invasive procedure, hemoperfusion requires puncture with cannulas. This puncture may cause a minimal, short-term pain, which can be minimized with local anesthesia and/or intravenous pain management. The hemoperfusion procedures are generally pain-free.
On the day of the hemoperfusion and for the next 3 days, physical exertion should be minimized and adequate hydration should be ensured.
The treatment duration is usually 4 hours.
The day after hemoperfusion, we perform a wound inspection of the puncture site of the Sheldon catheter. Normally, no further treatments regarding the minimally invasive procedure are necessary thereafter.
Depending on the diagnostics, indications, and procedure, between 1 and 5 hemoperfusion sessions may be required.
Opening times
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Available from 8 a.m. to 12 midday by telephone or email
If you would like more detailed information, please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment. Promoting and maintaining your health always has our full attention.
Upon request, we are also happy to advise you on topics such as healthy nutrition, lifestyle, and complementary dietary supplements.