Cancer therapy
Cancer therapy - treatment
The word “cancer” is used in our language and in many other languages to mean different things: signs of the zodiac, shellfish or crustaceans, or a disease whose diagnosis is becoming more and more common and is often a shock for those affected, their relatives and friends. Many patients report that the moment they were told the diagnosis, they felt like they were standing on the edge of the abyss. Many sufferers are literally scared to death.
Cancer has many faces. As different as the locations and individual progressions may be, it is always a disease that develops a life of its own, independent of the genetic blueprint of the healthy cells. Like an organism within the organism.
Normally, the many different cells in our body are subject to a general order and control. How often a cell divides, when apoptosis, i.e. programmed cell death, is initiated and when cells are broken down is stored as genetic information in the DNA. With each cell division, this blueprint is copied identically and passed on to the daughter cells. Errors can occur and, to put it simply, cancer can develop.
Fortunately, this does not necessarily happen. Other “mishaps” have to occur or the body’s own safety systems have to fail. The path from a healthy cell to a cancer cell is complex and can be divided into three phases. Classification is therefore very important for cancer therapy.
Are you suffering from the effects of cancer?
Please feel free to contact us for information about possible cancer therapy.
Stage 1
Healthy cell mutates into genetically modified cell
First, there is the copying error (mutation) mentioned above. Cells do have their own repair mechanisms for faulty DNA sections, but errors on the “hard drive” can paralyze this control function and switch off the natural anti-oncogenes, which are also located on the DNA and counteract cancer. In this phase, the mutated cells do not yet look any different from normal cells and can only be identified at this point through molecular genetic tests.
Stage 2
Mutated cell changes into cancer precursor cell
In this phase, the previously mutated cell programmed for growth also changes externally. It can now be distinguished from a healthy cell under the microscope. These cancer precursor cells react more quickly to growth stimuli, such as hormones or proteins, than normal cells. The rate of cell division is increased, the rate of cell death is reduced and the genetic defect is passed on with each cell division.
Stage 3
Cancer precursor cell becomes cancer
Through further changes in the genetic material, the malignant (cancerous) characteristics in the cells are expanded and firmly installed. The tumor grows uncontrollably, spreads, displaces and destroys healthy tissue. It forms its own blood vessels in order to supply itself with sufficient and independent nutrients and develops secondary tumors (metastases) in order to spread to other areas.
According to current knowledge, it is assumed that around five percent of all tumors are genetically caused (benign and malignant). Environmental influences, pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, chemical and physical influences can put the immune system under constant stress and promote the development of cancer.
Are you suffering from the effects of cancer?
Please feel free to contact us for information about possible cancer therapy.
Cancer then and now
Cancer is not a modern “invention”. Excavations show that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks were already treating tumors. One of the oldest forms of therapy is surgery. In ancient times, only superficial tumors could usually be removed.
From the early 18th century onwards, more extensive operations were carried out and it was recognised that a tumour had to be completely removed in order to have a chance of being cured. Surgical margins were treated with arsenic or herbal poisons, a kind of precursor to today’s chemotherapy. Towards the end of the 19th century, the therapeutic effectiveness of radiotherapy was discovered.
The development of modern chemotherapy drugs is based on a rather accidental and accidental discovery. In 1943, a ship loaded with mustard gas exploded after being bombed. Subsequent examinations of survivors showed that the number of lymphocytes (which are part of the white blood cells) had decreased. The discovery: mustard gas damages rapidly dividing cells. The foundation for chemotherapy was laid.
- Blood tests: standard values and specific diagnostics
- Gene-specific tests
- Molecular genetic testing (gene expression)
- Imaging diagnostics: X-rays, ultrasound, CT, PET CT, MRI
- Surgery
- Radiotherapy
- Systemic cytostatics or regional chemotherapy
- Antibody therapies
- Immunotherapies
- Blood purification procedures
- Natural healing methods in complementary medicine
The many different treatment options show how complex the treatment of cancer can be and are also associated with some significant side effects. The disease and the side effects of the therapies pose an enormous challenge to the metabolism and the immune system.
Blood purification procedures
Plasmapheresis has been used for decades on an outpatient basis and as an adjunct to cancer treatment. The VitaSangius perfusion team gained initial experience in carrying out local chemotherapy combined with blood purification procedures more than ten years ago. The combination of local therapy with blood purification has shown better treatment results with significantly fewer or no side effects. With this experience, we have looked into other blood purification procedures and around six years ago offered the first hemoperfusions as a service provider for practices. Patients after extracorporeal blood purification have reported the following to us:
- I don’t feel sick as often, my appetite has improved and I feel better
- I have gained weight again, which means I have more energy to live and am more active
- I can once again participate in life with family and friends more consciously and powerfully
- I feel much better, so I don’t think about my illness all the time
In addition, the positive effects of blood purification can also be demonstrated diagnostically through blood values and their monitoring. The improvement or normalization of blood values supports normal organ functions and leads to a better general well-being.
What is achieved through blood purification procedures?
As described above, cancer is caused by faulty repairs or faulty copies during cell division. Irrespective of a possible genetic predisposition, external factors also influence this process. These influences can be reduced by blood purification procedures.
Chronic inflammatory processes/silent inflammation
Acute inflammations are usually clearly noticeable, e.g. swelling, redness and/or fever, and immediate measures can be taken. Chronic inflammations or so-called silent inflammations “burn” in secret and lead to permanent stress for the metabolism and immune system. This permanent strain also influences cell division and repair mechanisms.
Environmental toxins
Exposure to environmental toxins has increased significantly in recent decades. We inadvertently absorb them through air, water and food. Our metabolism is normally able to dispose of these toxins. It is supported in this by the liver and kidneys as our detoxification organs. If the exposure is too high or the liver and kidneys are overloaded, the ability to fully detoxify also suffers.
In addition, a lack of micronutrients, minerals and trace elements can lead to additional deficiencies, which puts an additional strain on cellular metabolism.
Heavy metals/toxic metals
Heavy metal contamination, such as arsenic and mercury, is more common than previously thought and is usually caused by food intake. Cancer patients are exposed to additional stress from chemotherapy, as certain cytostatics can be detected in permanently elevated concentrations in the blood, put a strain on the metabolism and immune system and lead to known side effects such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and/or polyneuropathies, i.e. nerve diseases.
Extracorporeal blood purification procedures can quickly and effectively eliminate inflammatory substances, environmental toxins, toxic metals, as well as tumor decay products and cytostatics. They thus relieve the burden on the metabolism, liver and kidneys and support the immune system.
Modern therapy concepts in oncology are characterized by specific diagnostics and personalized and therefore individual therapy. Extracorporeal blood purification procedures effectively support these concepts by eliminating harmful molecules, relieving the organism and increasing responsiveness to therapies.
You can find out more about the individual blood purification procedures under plasmapheresis and hemoperfusion
We would also be happy to advise you on nutritional issues and complementary medical infusion therapies.
What Our Patients Say
Daniela BinderMein Sohn ist schwer an ME/CFS erkrankt und wir waren aufgrund von ewigen Odysseen durch diverse Facharztpraxen und Krankenhäuser auf der Suche nach einer alternativen Therapie. Durch Empfehlung sind wir auf Vitasangius gekommen. Wir wurden vom ersten Moment mit unserer Problematik wahrgenommen. Dr . Kühnel der Herz und Gefäßchirurg an der Herzklinik Bernau ist, verfügt über totale Fachkompetenz. Sein Team hat meinen Sohn und auch uns als Begleitpersonen sehr einfühlsam betreut. Jede Frage wurde beantwortet. Mein Sohn hatte am Tag nach der Plasmaapherese eine wesentlich bessere Mikrozirkulation. Wir sind stetig in Kontakt mit dem Team. Es wurden uns keine zu hochgeschraubten Versprechen gemacht . Wir werden definitiv noch eine Behandlung durchführen lasse . Die hohen Kosten sind völlig nachvollziehbar. Ich empfehle die Praxis in Potsdam absolut weiter. Danke an die lieben Schwestern und Dr. Kühnel .JojoMein Freund hatte über euch den Bericht in Brisant im ARD Morgenmagazin gesehen und mir gesagt, ich solle mir das mal anschauen. Darüber bin ich heute sehr froh, da ich ziemlich verzweifelt war. Schon nach einer Behandlung habe ich mich soo viel besser gefühlt. Jederzeit gerne wieder.Yasmina OualiZunächst war ich sehr skeptisch. Eigentlich kam ich nach all meinen Arzbesuchen zu dem Schluss, dass mir nichts mehr helfen kann. Einen letzten Versuch wollte ich machen.. nach der ersten Behandlung habe ich eine leichte Besserung bemerkt. Dann habe ich mich zu einer zweiten Behandlung entschieden und ich muss sagen, ich fühle mich wieder deutlich agiler. Der Alltag fällt mir leichter und ich bin sehr froh, dass ich diesen Schritt gegangen bin.GötzNach zwei nicht so dollen Erfahrungen, war das die erste Praxis, in der man wirklich auf mich eingegangen ist. Und die Beschwerden von meinem Fatigue-Syndrom sind auch viel weniger. Ich werde auf alle Fälle noch mal einen Termin machen. Volle Empfehlung.Yvonne EngeDas Praxis Team ist einfach super freundlich und die Betreuung war sehr liebevoll. Man fühlt sich wohl und wird ernst genommen.O. H.Ich hatte letztens eine Behandlung und kann nur Gutes sagen.Die Betreuung vom Team war super,die Praxis ist sehr modern und sauber.Ich hatte keine Wartezeit und alle Fragen wurden mir beantwortet Vielen Dank !!!Malena MSuper, fühl mich viel besser jetzt.j pDanke für den angenehmen Aufenthalt bei Ihnen der Praxis. Die Behandlung verlief sehr gut. Ich kann die VitaSangius empfehlen.Christina M.Die Apherese hat mir super geholfen - es war meine erste und ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich mich so viel besser fühle (leide ziemlich unter Long Covid). Die Praxis ist irgendwie mal ganz anders und modern, das Praxisteam sehr kompetent und lieb. Ich habe mich total wohl gefühlt, hatte den Eindruck, man kümmert sich v.a. um mich, keine Wartezeiten, leise Musik, Getränke und Snacks. 1000 Dank, dass ich wieder mehr Lebensqualität habe. Ich werde sicher bald wiederkommen.Jasmin KillischIch hatte vor ca. 1 Monat meine 3. Apharese und mir geht es seit 2 Wochen deutlich besser. Sehr gute Betreuung und kompetente Behandlung. Ich wurde das 1. Mal ernst genommen und mir konnte geholfen werden. Vielen Dank an das ganze Team, besonders Herrn J. Jäger und Dr. Kühnel, die sich trotz meiner Angst vorher, sehr lieb um mich gekümmert haben.
Opening times
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Available from 8 a.m. to 12 midday by telephone or email
If you would like more detailed information, please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment. Promoting and maintaining your health always has our full attention.
Upon request, we are also happy to advise you on topics such as healthy nutrition, lifestyle, and complementary dietary supplements.